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Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB
  • Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB
  • Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB
  • Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB
  • Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB
  • Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB

Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB

FOB Reference Price
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Shenzhen Yichu Electronics Co.,Ltd
Shenzhen Yichu Electronics Co.,Ltd
China - Shenzhen
Trade Capacity
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Accepted Delivery Terms
51-100 people
Accepted Payment Currency
Average Lead Time
3 Day(s)
Product Specifications
Brand Name
Centaur / BR
3200 2666 2400
Memory Capacity
Model Number
CT Monster 8GB 32
Product Description

Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB  Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB

Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier
Centaur DDR DDR4 Desktop memory module with Heatsink 8GB 3200 2666 16GB 32GB from China supplier

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ToJanice Li
Shenzhen Yichu Electronics Co.,Ltd
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