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High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert
  • High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert
  • High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert
  • High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert
  • High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert
  • High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert

High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert

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Shanghai Liangjin Trading Co.,Ltd
Shanghai Liangjin Trading Co.,Ltd
China - Shanghai
Manufacturing and trade
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Nearest Port
Jebel Ali ,Bhbah ,KAMPALA
Accepted Delivery Terms
11-50 people
Accepted Payment Currency
Average Lead Time
10 Day(s)
Product Specifications
Tube Chip Color
Full Color
Model Number
p3.91, p4.81
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Display Function
Product Description
High-quality bright LED dot matrix module with painted ink color evently is not easy to be damaged and ensures the best viewing angle Can undertake single point, single lamp maintenance and the cost is low Besides, high definition effect comes with uniform luminance and soft color is suitable for indoor range viewing closely. Advantage: 1.Can undertake single point , singlelamp maintenance and cost is low 2.Use super bright LED lights and high quality plastic parts 3.Stable operation, low energy consumption, modular design, simple structure, easy to maintain 4.Constant current mode is adopted to drive LED, and the light is uniform 5.each pixel is composed of 1R1G1B three lights 6.Besides , high definition effect comes with uniform luminance and soft color 7.Constant voltage chip driving reduces the power consumption and prompts the stability.

High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier
High quality outdoor P3.91 p4.81 rental led display stage led screen for concert from China supplier

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ToShirley Zhao
Shanghai Liangjin Trading Co.,Ltd
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