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mini safe with keypad
  • mini safe with keypad

mini safe with keypad

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Zhejiang Cees Household Appliances Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Cees Household Appliances Co., Ltd.
China - Hangzhou
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Accepted Delivery Terms
501-1000 people
Accepted Payment Currency
Average Lead Time
15 Day(s)
Product Specifications
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Product Description

I.safety Instruction
1. It is only allowed to be installed by pofssional.
2. Ensure that the numerical value needed is the same as the specication before instaling
3. It is only used for automatic gate and other similar mechanical devices.

II. Produc Istruction
1. It is a 2-chaneel Transmitter (318Mhz) and only can be activated by pressing correct password
2. it can be installed both inside and outside room.
3. The product can ensure the maximum safety because of the changing code for each time 4 Working range can reach 100 meters in the open area outdoor;indoor range is 35m
5 Use CR2450 battery;working voltage is 3V;loading capacity si 580mAh.Weight 239g
6. The design extends the battery ife It can work for 2 years with 10 operations per day.
7. Instruction of Led liaht and key button

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ToTingting Wei
Zhejiang Cees Household Appliances Co., Ltd.
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